Let’s Talk: it’s Conversation Week

It’s National Conversation Week, so let’s talk!  Cycle 360 advocates, facilitates and encourages conversation every single day.  We’re all about the simple, pleasurable, and rewarding art of simply talking to each other.

Our mission as a business and why we exist in the first place is to fuel adventure and introduce people to the freedom of a bicycle.  We’re a bikeshop for coffee drinkers, a cafe for cyclists, but we’re a space for absolutely everyone: and that’s the family dog included!  We want, more than anything, for our Isle of Man community to spend the week, this week, trying that little bit harder to engage with those around them.  If that’s reaching out to a colleague for a coffee, taking the whole family (including the dog!) for pancakes or going on a bike ride with your friend after work.  That’s what it’s all about.  We’re not asking you to throw away your phone and we’re not trying to send you back to the 90s (although arguably the music was better!). We simply want everyone to talk more.

National Conversation Week 2023 is focused on the inquisitive side of conversation, the one that helps us gain an understanding of the world around us – asking questions.

We’re very much a society that’s “always on” and, unfortunately, the art of human conversation is becoming lost in a sea of emojis, swiping right (ask your single friends), artificial chatbots, and dwindling attention spans. You ask anyone how they are, nine times out of ten, they will reply “busy!”.

Your coffee on us

We love making your day and truly believe good ideas always start with a coffee.  This week, to encourage more conversation, you and your friend could get your hot drinks on us!  We’ll be giving away up to 10 free coffees a day, all of this week. Because after-all, coffee talks.


Take some time out of your day this week, and join us for ‘Three-ses’.  The perfect opportunity to natter with a friend over a scone and hot drink at a ridiculously bargain price – £3.50.  This offer is on every week, not just this week and available after 3pm, every week-day.

Asking questions is incredibly important, as inquisitive conversations develop deeper knowledge and boost confidence.

Coffee Club

Our Coffee Club ride exists for exactly this purpose, to get like minded individuals, enjoying the freedom of two wheels and a natter over a (free!) coffee.  If you missed the one on Sunday, join us at our next one, they are every third Sunday of the month.

Asking questions is also a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value: it spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, fuels innovation, builds rapport and trust.

So, next time there’s a question on the tip of your tongue, go ahead and ask it.  After all, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know!

And we’ll see you for a coffee or a bike ride soon!

Bikeshop opening hours

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm (we’re back open on Sundays for Summer!)
Bank holidays: 10am – 4pm.

For TT opening hours, please see here.

Cafe opening hours

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm
Bank holidays: 10am – 4pm.

For TT opening hours, please see here.