Meet Cafe Supervisor Tsewang Namgyal

Meet Tsewang, one of Cycle 360’s Cafe Supervisors!  A new face to the team, at just 22 years old, Tsewang has an inspiring story to tell.

As a former Barista at ‘IHeartCafe’ in the Himalayas, Tsewang had proven demonstrable experience working in somewhere with a similar mission before joining Cycle 360, making him the perfect fit for his new role as Cafe Supervisor.

Tsewang told us a bit more about him, what motivated him to move to the Isle of Man, why he was inspired to work at Cycle 360 and what he prefers more: the sea or the mountains?!

Firstly, Tsewang, what brings you to the Isle of Man?!

My cousin’s friend lives here and the thought of a higher-quality life was really inviting.  You earn a lot less where I am from, but then the cost of living is a lot less too.  You earn more here, but then the cost of living is more – I am learning!

Have you visited the UK yet?

No! The Isle of Man is my first and only destination I’ve visited outside of India, and now it is my second home.  I got on a plane for the first time as a solo traveller, leaving behind my sister and mother in India.  It was quite stressful as not only was it my first time travelling, but I had to ensure all my visas and paperwork were all correct too.

With family and friends so far away, what motivates you?

My experiences in life have made me motivated to not sit around, but get out there, meet new people and experience new things. I am supporting my sister with her college fees, and I know my mother will never leave her small community so I will return when I can to see them.  I’m doing this for my family. In India, that’s how we’re brought up, to support our family. In the UK, you get to 18 and you focus on yourself, in India, it’s the other way around.

So why Cycle 360, what made you apply for a job here?

I was working at a local pizzeria on the Island and saw the Cycle 360 cafe job advertised – it reminded me of where of the community-based cafe I worked at in India: ‘IHeartCafe’, from the photos, so I was keen to learn more!

And now you’ve been here for a couple of months, what are you enjoying the most?!

It’s a very similar feeling to where I have worked before, so it feels very comforting and like home.  The cafe/bar and restaurant I worked at in India was run by two Americans.  I like the hours at Cycle 360 and the team and work culture is good.

Your English is excellent! What have you studied in India to get where you are today?

Thank you!  As well as completing secondary education, I have a certificate in Digital Marketing, which I have only studied not practiced just yet, and a Diploma in Hotel Management from the Fly Wings Institute of Hospitality.

It’s now time for a quick fire round of questions, here we go:

  1. Eating outside or cooking at home? Eating out!
  2. Netflix or YouTube? Netflix
  3. Pop, Rock or Indie Music? Indie! 
  4. Ocean or mountains? Mountains
  5. Winter or summer? Winter! It’s -30 where I am from in the winter, we have very extreme seasons
  6. Coffee or tea? I like both
  7. Music or podcasts? Podcasts on life 🙂

A big thanks for Tsewang for sharing his story with us!

If you’re a regular at Cycle 360, please do make sure next time you’re in visiting us that you say hey to Tsewang as he’s keen to meet lots of new people and make new friends on the Island!

Click here for more stories on Team 360.

Bikeshop opening hours

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed (back open for all of December and then Spring/Summer 2025!)
Bank holidays: 10am – 4pm.

Cafe 360 opening hours

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm
Bank holidays: 10am – 4pm.

For general enquiries, please contact Cafe 360.